New research from Harvard shows how to use meditation to improve health. The following is forwarded from Harvard Medical School.

New research is finding meditation useful for a variety of health problems — including easing chronic pain... reducing gastrointestinal symptoms... and lowering blood pressure and stress to protect the heart!

Dear Reader,

With regular practice, meditation can also help you gain a deeper awareness of your inner self. There is even some evidence that meditation changes your brain — enlarging areas of brain tissue that help us think and learn... while decreasing areas that cause us stress and anxiety.

Have you meditated today? It’s super simple with the right guidance...

With Harvard Medical School’s new special report — Meditation For Your Health — you’ll get all the facts... the latest findings... and the science-backed meditation techniques to apply the healing powers of this ancient practice in your life!


Sit down. Close your eyes.
Breathe in and out...

Can it really be that simple?

YES! When Harvard Medical School professor, Dr. Herbert Benson, first discovered that centering the mind induced a unique state of calm, called the “relaxation response”... no one could have predicted just how powerful entering this state of relaxation could be. In fact, studies showed that both heart rate and blood pressure were reduced in people who meditated!

In the field of neuroscience — researchers Antoine Lutz and Richard Davidson found patterns of electrical activity in the brains of longtime meditators differed significantly from those of other study participants... which means, meditation could induce real, measurable changes in the brain!

Order Harvard Medical School’s easy-to-read guide: Meditation For Your Health — where you’ll get everything you need to start reaping the rewards of this ancient healing practice!


Send for this special health guide now and discover:

  • The four types of meditation backed by science

  • Exactly how meditation activates various parts of the brain

  • Which medical conditions meditation can help

  • A STEP-BY-STEP breakdown of how to calm your mind and breath... so that you can start incorporating meditation into your daily life!

  • And so much more!

There is no better time to start your practice! Especially now as new research findings continue to highlight the health benefits of regular meditation, including improvements in cardiovascular health, anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal conditions, and insomnia.

Pretty cool, right? That’s why meditation should be at the top of your list alongside exercising, eating well, and sleeping... if you want to stay in tip top shape as you age!

Order this Online Guide today and discover everything you need to know to reap the health benefits of meditation.

Timothy Cole
Editorial Director, Harvard Health Publishing


P.S. Click here to ease your stress!

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